是的~ 又回到臺灣行的點滴~
真的! 快了快了~ 接近尾聲了~~~
(終於可以暫時脫離一下老媽的懷抱... 再朝夕相處下去 老媽和G還沒因語言不通而瘋掉 公主就要徹底崩潰啦><)
這天我們一路開到台南~ 終於在台南公園首先落腳~
竟然在公園裡的湖邊 看到松鼠!
然後一路隨意開 順便找晚上棲身之處~
有趣的地方就是~ 浴缸超大 淋浴的蓮蓬頭也超大
還好馬桶不是大size 不然我可能會掉進去吧 XD
但是圓形的床對G而言小了點 他整個人伸直睡的話 腳就掛到床緣之外啦~
休息一下 我們就出門去找夜市逛囉!
我們就逛了"成功夜市" 和附近的死氣沉沉的"小北觀光夜市"~
走了一圈之後 隨意挑了一間小店 坐在外面露天的位子上
當然有名的"藍晒圖" 公主我也幫它照了相~
又碎唸了一番 才打道回Motel睡覺
Yep, back to the trip of Taiwan again~
I swear, I will finish all the reports before the end of 2010!!
Seriously, it's almost very close to the end of trip~~~
9/14 G and I drove to Tainan~
(ahh~ finally we could be away from my "loving" mum for a while... If we'd stay with Mum any longer, before G and Mum go crazy because of lacking of communication between, I'd go nuts first!!! ><)
We stopped at "Tainan Park" first. What surprised me was that we saw squirrels again, right next to the big pond in the park~
Then we just wandered on the streets around the city and tried to find somewhere to stay for the night~ Then here we went- "Love House Motel"~~~ What interested me was the size of the big bathtub and also the "huge" shower head, it's kind of funny (compare to the normal size ones~). However the round shaped bed was not big enough for G. If G'd sleep with all his limbs stretched, part of his legs and feet would e out of the bed...
After a short break, we went out to conquer the "night markets"! Pity the "Garden Night Market" wasn't open on the night we were there. So we went to "Cheng-Gong Market" and the nearby one "Xia-Bei Toursit Night Market". To be honest, "Xia-Bei Night Market" is market barely worth going, it just felt like a dying place...
With both our tummies fed from the food and drinks in "Cheng-Gong Night Market", we went to "Hi-An" Road for a walk and a relaxing tea + chat time. The shop we picked was kind of cool. Especially the decoration of its 1st floor, it's got some sort of its own style~ And of course, Princess J took photos of the famous "Blue Print" bar, too~
After answering the very annoying phones from Mum, plus a bit more complaints with the tea, we then went back to the motel to sleep and be ready for the next day's trip in "An-Ping"~~