




睡了一覺之後, 9/15這天我們來到了安平




先在一個市場吃了早午餐-- 碗粿.糯米腸.刈包.四神湯!!!

整個太餓 劈哩啪啦就全吃下肚了~

都忘了拍照留念(以供日後思鄉時 可以看著照片流口水.. XD)

補充體力之後 頂著大太陽 G和我就走在安平區逛了起來~

有一些老建築被保留下來 走在小巷弄裡 還蠻有懷舊之旅的感覺 :)

9/15, a very sunny day, G and Princess J went to "An-Ping". We had some Taiwanese street food for brunch in a market. All the food went into our bellies in a short time because we were so hungry! I didn't even take photos of the food for the times when Princess J's homesick...

Though the sun was hot, it didn't hinder us from walking and looking around. Some old buildings are kept there and they tell stories of history themselves.



有些人家在小地方的裝飾巧思 妙中透著詭異~~~

Some decorations people have for their places were interesting... and funky maybe???

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連興建中的廟 怎也透著一股詼諧的逗趣~

看看這個在廟宇屋簷下的"胸毛男" (他是哪個典故的角色啊???)

Even the temple, look at that "hairy chest man", I had no clue what the hell he's doing up there under the temple's roof???



來到"壺巷"~ 安平壺算得上是有名的

"An-Ping" used to be well-known by its pot making. They now have a "pot alley" with a whole wall of pots as the decoration...

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有人"起大厝"  有人家門卻不到G的高度...

A new big building stands out while some of the old houses the doors are even shorter than G's height...

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穿梭在巷弄中 很有一種時空交錯 歷史與現代並存的滋味...

Strolling along the streets in "An-Ping" district brought me the feeling of time misplacement woven through the history and the modern world...




    創作者 JM 的頭像

    Princess J @Melbourne 南十字星空~墨爾本

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