




這句話   公主從自己身上驗證~~~


1. 三分鐘前G問我晚餐想吃什麼? 我說蔬菜吧~

然後經過從我家廁所走到客廳那樣的距離 大約是38秒吧


2. G拿出起司和奶油  問我也要來個烤麵包塗奶油夾起司嗎?

我說不用~ 然後等他咬下一口香噴噴的麵包時 公主又改變心意了...

3. 洗好澡看著已經拿出來搭好的衣服 套上洋裝之後  看了一眼鏡中的自己

突然就怎麼看怎麼不順眼 於是牛仔褲再度上身...

4. 點開找工作的網頁  瀏覽過二、三十來個工作之後

本來一心一意想坐辦公室  瞬間又覺得乾脆去端盤子算了~

5. 出門走走路 原本說好這次出了前院要右轉

腳一跨出去 身體卻往左邊移動了起來...

6. 原本規定自己最起碼講義要讀10頁才可休息 卻在遭遇13個未曾謀面的單字之後(都在第1頁!!! 是怎樣啊~ 有必要用這麼難的字眼嗎???)

公主決定棄講義於不顧   打起這篇網誌來了...


天啊~ 誰來把這搞怪的針給我撈起來拿去毀屍滅跡!!!




Damn it!  

A woman's heart is like a needle in the sea!



Indeed! It is proved true by Princess J~~~


1. About 3 minutes ago, G asked what I wanted to have for dinner? I said, 'some vegies'. Then, walking from the toilet to the living room, about 38 seconds distance, Princess J suddenly felt the craving for beef~

2. G got the cheese and margarin out from the fridge, asked if I'd like to have a piece of toast as well. 'No', Princess J answered. As soon as G started to bite his toasty cheesy bread, Princess J changed her mind...

3. After having a shower, putting on the dress that I've planned to wear, looking at the Princess in the mirror~ Oh my, it's just wrong! So no dress, jeans on again~

4. After browsing through 20 or 30 jobs on the job hunting website, Princess J has been through the idea of finding a job in an office to the image of waiting on customers in a restaurant...

5. Going for a walk, it is planned that this time we take the right turn out the front yard. As soon as the first step out, Princess J's body can't help herself but moving toward the left....

6. Princess J has promised herself to read at least 10 pages of the whole handout; yet after encountering with 13 new vocabulary (and they are all in the FIRST page! Bloody hell, does it really have to be so difficult???), she's decided to put the handout aside, and started to type this one....

Oh hell, come someone to fish the damn needle out of the sea and destroy it TOTALLY!!!







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