I've been living in a house with a little black dog for several weeks. I realised that most dogs are smart and cunning. They can do many tricks to attract your attention and also to try to get food from you.
It seems like that the dog in my house is always hungry, always ready for food. It can make the food in the bowl gone in 5 seconds!!
It likes to check on me to see if I am eating and to see if there is any chance to get food from me. It would stand in front of my door, watch for 10 second, then move two steps into my room, sit down, in the ready position to watch me eating!! I sometimes get pressure of being watched by a little thing! Dogs!!
From this, I kind of think that I am not that kind of nice and patient person toward animals and maybe kids!?
    創作者 JM 的頭像

    Princess J @Melbourne 南十字星空~墨爾本

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