要去祭拜親外公 和掃親外婆的墓
(因為媽的爸爸去世的早 媽的媽媽因為她外婆看她媽媽不順眼 後來就讓她媽媽改嫁了 所以沒有葬在一起~ 然後親外婆的妹妹變成我媽的媽,所以我還是有活生生的外公外婆可以叫,只不過也就只是這樣,可能因為不是親生的吧~ 又或者是生活的種種使然吧~ 就一直都維持著不生不熟的感覺... 不像和阿公阿嬤的關係那樣 確確實實是血濃於水的感覺..... 啊~ 扯遠了 **)
<這是一定要的! 就算G沒信教,他懂我的心情和堅持的態度,也願意為我這樣做 ^^>
看的出來嗎? 是玻璃做的"布拉甲"
(Bra made of glass~~~)
小小交響樂表演 (orchestra performing)
栩栩如生的昆蟲們 (vivid insects)
神明的兵將 (the guards of the gods)
歐兜賣 (motorcycles)
當然也有販賣部 販售各式各樣的藝品
(因為她是基督教徒 總不是送她一個媽祖的吧~~)
One day Mum took G and I to LuGang.
Before I left Taiwan last year, I promised Mum's dad (he's in heaven now) that I'd introduce G to him and let G say hi to him. <This is a must, though G doesn't have religious belief. He understands how much this would mean to me and he'd always be willing to do it for me. ^^>
We went to Taiwan Glass Gallery before going to see Mum's dad and also to sweep Mum's mum's grave.
To me, the facility of the gallery itself is just "so-so". However, the objects exhibit there are amazing! For example, from the photos, the bra that is made of glass (though it's rarely big, won't fit Princess J that's for sure!). And look at the tiny orchestra performers and theirs instruments, how delicate they are! Even Princess J doesn't like insects, I have to say that the spider and the web are just gorgeous!
I really like the guards of the gods. They are so colourful and cute! They make me feel like eating lollies~~ The motorcycles are pretty cool too!
Of course there are souvenirs that are made of glass for sell. The ones intrigued me are the glass cubes that's got images/ pictures engraved inside the cubes! Facinating!!! We bought one that has a "Jesus" inside the glass cube for G's mum as her birthday gift. (cz she's Christian, there is no reason we'd buy a her "Ma-Zu" one~~)