

拖了超久 後面還一堆...


廟宇巡禮之後 也差不多要餓了~~~


在路上看到一"大"片空地!!! 在寸土寸金的台北耶! 空地???


屋頂上還長草了~ 連椅子都上去了~

(懷疑是否有人會爬上去澆水 坐在椅子上乘涼看夜景...?)

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 G和我馬上就來杯涼涼茶飲先 (九月初的台灣還是蠻熱的~)



米糕 Glutinous Rice


肉羹湯 Potage soup


炸蝦捲 Deep-fried Prawns wrapped with thin noodles


月亮蝦餅 Thai style Prawn cake


干貝燒 roasted Scallops





只能說: 爽啊!!!

(我在墨爾本殷殷期盼的- 就是這種-




而且也是Made in China的 布料還薄了些 ><)

看到阿瘦皮鞋~ 想說順便去看看~ 補請時需要一雙跟鞋~

試穿了幾雙之後 就決定買了這雙啦~ (原因: 公主沒有淺色的跟鞋)

ASO 跟鞋 

ASO 跟鞋

ASO 跟鞋  

<至此真的都很隨興~ 因為公主我連禮服都還沒決定好 連顏色都不知道 就給他買好鞋先了...>



來去搭"高鐵"體驗一下有多快囉! (G和公主之前都沒搭過耶 ^^)

確實是有比較快~ 公主我東拍拍西照照 走一下看一下



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天啊~ 要和媽媽住一起好幾天... 光想就很有壓力 ><

(內心暗暗希望自己要耐得住性子~ 不要沒兩下又失去耐心 講話大聲起來....)



Well, this one is gonna be the end of the day two in Taiwan.

It's been quite a while, there were some more of our trip back in Taiwan...


So after the temples, it was about time to EAT!

Off we went to "Shi-Lin" Night Market.

On the way to take MRT, we saw a vacant space~~

Right in the very busy Taipei, where the lands are so highly used and so expensive!!!

What's even more interesting was that right next to the vacant space, there were some old shanties! There were even some plants (weeds?) on the roof and also a chair!!! (I wonder who (or if anyone) would go up there to water the plants and maybe sit on the chair to watch the dark sky in a warmish cool night....)

As soon as we arrived at the night market, cold tea drinks of course a necessity! (At the beginning of September in Taiwan, the weather was still quite hot and humid...) Then we started to "EAT what we see and would like to try"!

 So~ as seen from the pictures above--- Sticky Rice, Potage soup, Deep-fried Prawns wrapped with thin noodles, Thai style prawn cake, and roasted scallops! Plus more tea drinks, all together into our bellies!!! Ahh~ Princess J was nothing but so satisfied!!! (Exactly what I was looking forward to when I was in Melbourne-- to eat a diversity of street food just in/from a place/market!!!)

We also had a look aorund the night market and I bought several pairs of leggings. ^^ (Because Princess J wouldn't want to spend more than NT$500 <not even to say that they are cheaper ones here...> to buy just a pair of leggings that are made in China and the material is nowhere better...)

Then I saw ASO shoe store, so we decided to have a look and see if I could find a pair of high-heels to wear for our wedding party. After trying on several pairs, we had our final choice. There you go~~~ (As seen in the pictures above) The reason to buy this pair was easy; because Princess J didn't have any light colour pairs of high-heels. ^^

Till then, everything was really so easy-going to G and me. I bought the pair of shoes without even knowing what I was going to wear for our wedding party, not even to mention about matching the colous...

Finished buying shoes, it was about time to say good-bye to Taipei. It was to "go home" for real.... G and I took HSR (High Speed Railway) due to the reson that we'd never done it before. It was indeed, much speedy~  Princess J took some photos and walked around in the train for a bit, then just when I was thinking to have a nap, we arrived Taichung already!!!

Wow~ now it was really "going home" (to Mum's place)~~

OMG, staying with Mum, I'm sure you can imagine how stressful it would be.  ><

(Fingers crossed that I'd control my temper and not to lose my patience and talk "too loud" to Mum...)








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