逛完台灣玻璃館 祭拜完親外公和曾祖父母
一陣迷路之後 也算找到並祭祀了親外婆的墓
媽有別的事要去忙 就把G和我放牛吃草~
逛鹿港小鎮啦 ^^
鹿港街上許多地方都有指標 告訴遊客往甚麼方向走多久 會有些甚麼景點
所以不怕迷路的啦~ (就算迷路 也還有一張嘴可以問人 ^^)
像是 1. 眉毛超長的星君
2. 像袋鼠一樣有負子袋的星君
(開玩笑的^^ 星君"大人有大量" 不會怪我的)
3. 范謝將軍裡的"高腳"謝將軍 (舌頭好長)
4. 作香人家空地上曬香
5. 半邊井 (裡面沒有水)
6. 別有洞天 (我從人家圍牆的縫偷拍的老厝)
其實如果時間更多 一定會有更多有趣的景象被發現!
(我們也沒走到鼎鼎大名的摸乳巷和君子巷... ㄎㄎ)
After visiting Taiwan Glass Gallery and the must worshipping toward ancestors, Mum dropped G and me in the town centre of LuGang. So off we started walking around the town and looking around.
Some interesting photos I took there~~~ such as, 1. a god with very long eyebrows 2. another god's got a face of a baby in his chest (reminds me of the kangaroos???) 3. the general with a very long tongue (and scary, yet that's what he meant to look like^^) 4. exposing the incense on the ground to dry it 5. the Half Well (with no water in it *.*) and 6. an old building that Princess J peeked through the slit of the fence~~~
I'd have to say if we had more time there, we would have discovered much more in LuGang!