Yep! That's the title~
Hey hey, don't you twist your brain and go too far beyond the imagination....
No. No. It's not like what you think~~ (no matter what's in your mind....)
It's all about "working"!
Nothing exciting lah~
Well, as you know, there was a B-boy swapping activity at Rose Street Artists' Market yesterday, so all the stallholders had to pack up and take their stuff home (suggested not to leave things there because no one will take the responsibility if they are stolen...).
Yep, I agree with you!
That was a bit of "pain in the arse"~
Lucky we've got our little car fixed and served us smoothly with the load of 5 big suitcases + some other more stuff. * . *
Therefore, this is a great chance to tidy some of the boxes with very untidy whatsoever in them.
Hooray! I LOVE being useful, hahahahahaha......
(attention, being USEFUL, not USED, different)
So the task for today would be dealing with the pendants in the 2 boxes of "Stuff for hanging".
To repack them in a way that will make the whole "setting up" process more efficient!!
Please, have a look, see how many pendants are "DANGLING" there for display at the market-----
So when those pendants are all packed into 2 boxes, especially when G+J are in the mood of wanting to finish packing at the end of the market day, you know how terrible they can be in the boxes!
Then this becomes a vicious circle! It will get back to us for setting up when the next weekend's coming!! They'd just be tangled up and frustrate G + Princess J heaps. >_<
Of course, as smart as Princess J, this task is nothing big deal!
HAHA! Due to the terrible experience last time (See "Untangled"), I've figured out a brilliant way to pack pendants.
I cut A4 brown cards into 2 pieces, then measured the length of the longer side and divide them into even distance to scissor the side. So there'd be a few lines for hanging the pendants onto cards, then place the cards into the boxes! Therefore they won't tangle up anymore!!!!
Without surprise, there were some pendants knotted..... @_@
No problem, Princess J has become good at handling situations like this~ Trust her!
After a while, those pendants were repakced into 4 boxes, in a very TIDY way. :)
Well Done!!! JM
是ㄉ! 本文題目是 DANGLING!! 吊/掛/懸盪/追求
嘿嘿~ 但此文絕對和你腦海中所想的畫面無關
(最好公主我無所不知,曉得大家想的是啥米碗糕才怪咧 * *)
咳咳~~ 是工作!! 是和公主有多聰明盡責完成工作有關啦~~
(哇哉, 聽起來一點都不刺激....)
(嗯! 這件事真的很不討喜, 和抓一條蟲來放在屁股沒兩樣煩!!)
也多虧了它承載了許多愁 (瘋了~ 是5卡大皮箱外加一堆有的沒有的)
ㄛ! 萬歲!! 公主最喜歡成為一個"有路用"的人了
(最好是, 內心OS是>>> 巴不得可以無所事事,閒來無事,管人閒事????)
總而言之, 今天的工作重點是---
各位看倌, 請看前附圖評評理~~
加上每次完工後, Greg 和我一心只想快快收拾好滾離開,
當然就是不整齊,亂, 糾結.....
每到下一次擺攤時, 屁股的蟲就來亂了~~~~~
每到下一次擺攤時, 屁股的蟲就來亂了~~~~~
常常搞得Greg和公主我抓狂!! >_<
話說回來, 冰雪聰慧如在下公主我, 這重新整頓的工程有啥難的!
哼! 諒它們再也不敢糾結在一起了~~