This is the last assignment of the study of master of Tourism.
have been working on it quite a lot.. never been staying in the library for such a long time per day for so many days a week since the first semester...
In a way, the feeling isn't too bad..
Have learnt a lot more this semester!
Yet maybe it'c because the timing of this moment, so many things need to be dealt with...
found myself not in a good mood about this group wokring thingy..
Why can't some people just follow the scheduled timetable to finish the parts need to be done??
If any part of the work has been delayed, the whole schedule would be delayed!!
I was angry today, yet I tried to hold my anger and didn't burst it out..
But that didn't make me feel good!!
and I am still thinking that maybe I should say it. Becuase it's not just a personal thing. It's more about the whole group and also the resepct to other members' time!!
    創作者 JM 的頭像

    Princess J @Melbourne 南十字星空~墨爾本

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