是! 今天分享兩件G應客人特殊要求而製作的首飾!!!
Yep! Today Princess J's gonna share two special pieces of customerised jewellery made by Greg Mann!!!
案主: Amelia 約五六十歲左右之婦人
案由: 她收集了和她身世背景相關的國家錢幣(烏拉圭+阿根廷) 想串成一個手環
成果: 如下圖~
The first case is a coin bracelet.
Client: Amelia (a lady about 50 something years old...)
Request: She's collected some coins of the countries that her background's related to, which is Urugary and Argentina, and she wanted to make them into a bracelet.
案主: Lachlan 一個中年爸爸
案由: Lachlan帶來一塊陶片 是他去潛水時撿到的 之於他女兒和他有特殊意義 要請G用陶片作為戒指 加上存銀的戒台 他要將戒指送給他女兒當畢業禮物
成果: 如下圖~
The second case is a ceramic + sterling silver ring.
Client: Lachlan, a mid-aged father
Request: Lachlan's got a piece of ceramic that he picked up at a time when he went diving with her daughter. He wanted G to use the piece of ceramic as the surface of the ring and make a sterling silver ring for her daughter. It is the present for his daughter's graduation.
經由分享客人的故事 而完成他們想要的首飾
那樣的喜悅 真的很令人開心+感動! ^^
Through the sharing of clients' stories, having the jewellery made and getting the gratifying responses from them is a such a joyful and touching thing to experience! ^^