WuBai, you are old and cute! Just like the Mann I like!
Glad I went there and was being a TaiMei.
       Song La!!!

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Well, I guess the road that I have to walk is really long ba! And my legs are not long~ ><
Rested all day at home on the first day of April...
Hope that I will be much better and energetic enough for another idol of mine--Wu Bai this evening!

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Well, it's the end of March.
However, the wheel of time is still marching no matter we are in hell or in heaven~
No one can stop the time fleeing away!  

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Is there an easy way to get all the shit in life together at a time? Why do we have to undergo so much suffering no matter what age we were, we are, and also we will be??
Is there an easy way to find someone who you love and loevs you in the ways that both are satisfied? Why do we have to be up and down on this love-searching path and get hurt sometimes no matter how much or less we care?
Is there an easy way to weed out all the unjovialities that have been made and also will be made? Why do we have to be vexed by despair no matter where our lives have been, are being or even are going to be?
Why? why? why~

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Day2 of Chinese teaching lessons!
It's not easy.
The problem is that I forgot some of the Chinese characters. When the teacher was saying the sounds, I was too slow to write down the Pinyin and also couldn't write down the right words in Chinese! Terrible!

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Happy Valentine's Day!
No lover here, how can I be too happy??
Ha! Ha!

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Have been dealing with my car for several times these days...
It's making me tired and down~
Why? Why? why?
No more holidays la
Went to Taichung Park to look at the Lanterns of Snoopy. It was just ok but not good.

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My holiday was over la!
I did have a good time there!
The foods there are sweet, spicy and also strong flavour~ It's fine to have them once in a while but not everyday.
I saw different peoples there and also heard several different languages!
The way they combine Chinese, English and Taiwanese are really unique!

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It's so difficult to set up this kind of stuff..
I am too old for this la!
Don't know why I am doing this~
maybe it's because the weather's too cold for my brian to work functionally...

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