


Thanks for the calls that have made the arguments and communication between us.

They've made us closer.


Thanks for the call of anger.

The truth is that your friend is not weak, he/she is not afraid of his/her partner.

The truth is that you definitely have played a big part of making the situation being what it is now.


There is a thing called "RESPECT" if you do know the real meaning of this word.

-That would be something like, when your friend's partner has shown the willingness to be friends with you and have been friendly toward you, you'd have not just turned your cold arse to it.

-That would be something like, when you have to call your friend's partner to try to reach your friend (and the truth was your friend's been busy), you'd at least say hello and ask 'how are you?' as most people would do even that's not what you really wanna do. Not just go straight to ask for what you want.

-That would be something like, when there was once your friend's partner was crying already, you could have at least pretended you did feel for her/him. Yet, instead, you were just being cold and told him/her off. What made you to think you had the right to do it anyway???

-That would be something like, when you came to stay at their place even just for a night, you'd have said 'thank you' to your friend's partner when you left for the time being a princess in their place cz he/she was also the one living in, not just your friend.

-That would be something like, when your friend's partner is having difficulity finding a job, you'd at least show some support instead of throwing a stone into the well and questioning why couldn't your friend's partner get some work and help with the household financial; here we're only talking about 'showing' support, not even mentioning that if you'd really care for your friend's situation, then you'd offer more than just 'showing' support (let alone not even that!).


And you're angry, why?

Just because your friend can't spare time for you whenever you want?

Have you realised that how busy your friend actually is?

so then you wanted to end the friendship?

No matter how much you've been through with your friend?

Let alone when your friend is someone who was on your side when you decided to end the relationships with some other friends???

Now you're trying to do the same?

So when your friend can't be the way you WANT, you get angry and threaten them by doing this?


Friends can't be there for you all the time doesn't mean they don't care for you.

Yet Life goes on and some things can't just be kept in the form of the past, whether you like it or not.

Things are always changing and people are changing as well.


Again, the truth is that you definitely have played a big part of making the situation being what it is now.

Why don't you try to introspect and see what you've found from all these instead of throwing the responsibility onto your friend's shoulders, or even your friend's partner's???









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