是ㄉ~ 安平古堡當然是要去給它參觀一下的啦~

走到入口處外面 映入眼簾的是---

"古蹟四周嚴禁設攤 違者告發取締"的立牌 + 排排站的攤販們!!!


 是怎樣??? 哪裡立牌禁止就在那裡擺喔?

"Anping Castle" sure is a must to see in Tainan!

What surprised me was the scene outside the entrance---

With a sign said, "No vendors around the historical site; the offenders should be banned", there were a whole line of vendors right accross from the entrance!!! So now what??? Where there the sign is, where the vendors are!!!??? Hell~~~



無可奈何 眼不見(攤販)為淨...  參觀古堡去~

安平古堡最早由荷蘭人建於西元1624年. 以糯米、糖漿蚵殼灰三合土砌磚而成的南璧古井及外城南牆殘壁是300餘年來僅存的歷史遺跡~

Damn bad! We could only choose to go in to visit the castle to not to see the vendors... Besides, there was nothing we can do if they have been there for who knows how long and none of the authority have done anything to it!!!

Anping Castle was first built by the Netherlanders in 1624. Currently the ancient well and the South Wall are the retained traces of the historical Ming and Qing dynasties. They were built of glutinous rice, syrup and osyter shell limestone concrete masonry.

城壁遺跡-- 爬滿樹根的老牆~~~

The South Wall-- with heaps of trees' roots~~~


嘻嘻~ 開開鄭成功雕像的玩笑 XD


大砲~ the cannon~


瞭望台 + 從瞭望台高處看去的景象~

The lookout and the views from the top of it~



還看到了"德記洋行" (現為"臺灣開拓史料蠟像館")~

The Original British commercial personal livington- now is a wax figure museum~






有些"臭"男生(真的,天氣熱加上活動量大, 臭!!!)甚至一直飆些難聽的話 ><

G和我就沒久待了~ (他們還故意講一些英文...卻很破 ><)


結束兩天一夜的"自由行" 又要回到媽媽的懷抱了... @_@

(哇哇哇 我不要 我已經長大了~~~)

其實到此已經是G此次臺灣行的倒數了~ 隔天他就要先飛回墨爾本啦!

There were a herd of school kids there at the same day when we visited AnpingCastle. Really, they were stinky (No shit, the hot weather plus kids being extra active... OMG ><). Some of the boys even swore and tried to say some silly words in English... No need to stay any longer, so we left the place and was also about time to head back to Taichung...  Oh~~ back to be with Mum again... @_@

Actually this was the last bit of the trip back in Taiwan for G, for that he was flying back to Melbourne the next day after being in Tainan......







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