目前分類:Greg Mann Jewellery (38)

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Princess J hasn't done this for a while...

Just can't miss out these ones and MUST share with you~

The fact is that these cufflinks are so so so cool!!!


Please, have a look. ^^

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Greg Mann Jewellery is still the very important part of Princess J's blog~


Writing stories is fun as well as sharing Greg's gorgeous jewellery! ^^

This series is definitely gorgeous gorgeous pieces!

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Princess J's a good wife as well as a responsible PA (persoanl assistant) of Greg Mann's!!!


Of course I'd share Greg's pieces (as in terms of Jewellery, not any bits of Greg himself!) with you.

<Hahaha, as if there'd be anyone interested in my lovely crazy artist Mann~~~>

公主我不但是個好太太,身兼G私人特助的我,也可是個盡忠職守的優秀員工呢!!! (???)

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And here we go, Greg Mann Flowering Pendants series (3)~~~

The theme is "Kangaroo Paw"!!!


Do the flowers really look like kangaroo paws? I don't know. Princess J's only eaten kangaroo steak and seen kangaroos jump and walk, yet never had a chance to get close enough to look at kangaroos' paws...

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All right, I've sorted out the theme for this flowering pendants series (2).

The Orchid~~~~

(And yes, click the names of the places, it will take you to the links of Wikipedia's introdiction. ^^)


就是--------------------------- 蘭花!

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It's been a long, long, long time since the last introduction about pendants...

The last one about pendants was "the series of Bronze Pendants", which was in July, 2010!!!

Almost a year ago~  @_@

We've been through quite some quirky animal series, so let's have a look at some pretty flowering things. ^^

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CHOCOLATE~~~~~~ What an evil thing!!!!

It has made Princess J's "love handles" grown....   T_T


No, no~ we're not talking about chocolate today.

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HaHaHa~ That's right! We are the PIG family~~~

(Sure you'd think that's pretty much true.....

about the family of J + G....)


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It's about bloody time to share some images of Greg Mann Jewellery!!!


Pins for today~~~ the theme is "People"!

(Oh, I know I know~~ 

People are complicated, aren't they?

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Maddi & Brylie- 23rd/01/2011 @ Rose St. Market

Lovely sisters! Maddi picked that ring which just fits her well. :)  Brylie helped to introduce me to their mum by spelling my name correctly after I only spelt it once for them. XD (I can't even remember names as well as she does...)


Would you deny that kids are the hope of the future?

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是! 今天分享兩件G應客人特殊要求而製作的首飾!!!

Yep! Today Princess J's gonna share two special pieces of customerised jewellery made by Greg Mann!!!



案主: Amelia 約五六十歲左右之婦人

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他生產線工作量大速度又快  (在此同時質和量是有兼顧到的喔!!!)


(我再找機會補拍*.* 但已經被買走的就沒辦法囉 ^^)

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Princess J was tidying up some photos taken at Rose Street Artists' Market~~~

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是ㄉ! Greg Mann 戒指 (按此連結有一些圖片可看 ^^)真的超熱門!
(按連結可看到其他Greg Mann 的飾品,

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今天分享一些同類型款式的耳環吧~ ^^

It's been a whie since last time Princess J shared Greg Mann Jewellery...
Some Ear rings of same style to share with today~ ^^


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就分享幾張照片囉 ^^
Since that forks rings + 2-finger rings have been so popular at the market, thought I'd share some photos.  ^^

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(真的! 各位動物們你們貢獻真偉大!!!)

Well, let me get this done~~

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 I've wanted to post some photos of brooches for quite a while...
Just that my skill of taking photos of G's work is still not good enough...
So only few brocches to share this time  :)

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